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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Brewing for Charity

Okay, don't have the web site up & running just yet, but the pieces are slowly falling into place. Patience, young Grass Hoppers. As I stated previously, the next brew I'm planning is what I lovingly refer to as the Happy Wife Hefeweizen. If you've got a wife and she's slightly into beer, it's highly likely that she's a potential hefe-addict. Mine is no different!

Hefeweizens are broad ranging in styles, flavor & content. The one I'm planning on brewing is a traditional Bavarian style, much like Paulaner (if you've yet to try one, GO OUT AND DO IT!). They're awesome. Mine will have a very slight caramel hint to it and I'm itching to get on to the brew.

Anyways, the Brewing for Charity title - let's get to it. My local homebrew club is sponsoring an event that you should definitely attend, called Pints for Paws. This is the 2nd year I've been participating, after a multi-year hiatus where things were a little too heated in town to pull it off. Mark your calendars for this year - May 21st, 2011 from 4-8 PM - at the Market Square Pavilion in Tallahassee, FL. Patrons get to taste a number of homebrewed beers in exchange for a modest donation to the Animal Shelter Foundation of at least $10. Last year's event saw hundreds of guests and we were able to successfully raise over $7500 for the Animal Shelter Foundation - our beneficiary. Many of my fellow homebrewers donate what they can (usually a 5-gallon keg) of a beer of their choice. Last year, my buddy and I brewed a hard cinnamon apple cider and a light summer ale. Those two kegs floated within 45 minutes of the start of the event - so get there early! Actually, many homebrewers bring more than 5 gallons worth, so you'll have plenty to taste. I'll be advertising this event out the wazoo in the coming weeks ahead. It's a great time for everyone. 

In anticipation for P4P, the NFBL is having a club brew this coming Sunday (March 27) where we're all getting together and brewing beers specifically for the event. I'm going to take some photos and post them here for you guys to check out. It'll be a fun chance to see what everyone else is thinking about making. All in all, you'll have your chance to taste the creations from 40+ brewers in the Tallahassee, FL region. It's for a great cause, one that's close to my heart, and we're all very excited. More to come!

Lastly, I'll leave you with a pint of one of my new favorites: Red Panda Rye. For more info on rye beers, click here. And while you're waiting for my commercial variety of RPR, go out and try Blue Point Brewery's RastafaRye Ale, you won't be disappointed. 
Goodness in a glass.
Oooh, isn't she lovely?

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